paper backgrounds
here are some paper backgrounds i made for this site revamp. they're pink!
pingu zoom background
made in i think 2021 for a zoom halloween party where my friends and i dressed as memes or other funny things we've seen on the internet. i was pingu from that one video where he gets overwhelmed by having to do two things and sits on the floor crying.

be as quiet as a mouse zoom background
made for the same party above, as a backup plan. references chris (simpsons artist)'s "be as quiet as a mouse."

don't 🥺 / don't 👉👈
made in 2020. i'd seen a "don't xD" version going around so i took it and made my own. i really despise these emojis for some reason... something about acting cute really drives me nuts LMAO

here are some things i've made/edited that you can use. credit not required but appreciated!