a section for changes made to my site during its june 2024 overhaul.
- total restructuring/regrouping of pages, as seen in the links above. if i tried to force things into the room concept forever i would probably go insane, much as i liked the gimmick
- index of works and all comics will be privately archived. i'm finally making a portfolio site, and it just seems redundant (and tedious) to figure out how to present my work on two different looking sites!
- media log consolidated into one page instead of separated by category.
- sketchbook page: more like an art log with dumps by date, as posts in an eleventy collection a la the diary and changelog
- pages dedicated to certain tags (fanart, oc, autobio, specific fandoms)
- date dumps solve my filename crisis
- tag for skeevy stuff, password-protected?
don't know yet
separate sketchbook for RTA works, just so i can mark it.nope, i can just have a tag for it on my regular sketchbook.- use global data on 11ty for updating the map, maybe. would make adding the symbols + moving links around MUCH easier.
test run
- freakzone currently linked in the artifacts page while i figure out a better place for it.
- huey/maggie shrine template
- zines page
- everbloom residents info
- sketchbook page
- OC roster
- fe3h shrine template
- add favorite songs to music page
- archive header v1 somewhere lol
- add descriptions to neighbors on the links page
- everbloom staff info
- everbloom community info
- sort through ALL everbloom screenshots... christ
- import newest everbloom screenshots (UGH)
- yuridetta ship manifesto
- little graphic for av page
- little graphic for books page
- little graphic for games page
- little graphic for theatre page
- little graphic for artifacts page
- more ducktales livetweet threads (the comics, the shorts)
- PARK: replace all squidge images in diary with self-hosted
- PARK: replace all tumblr videos in danny shrine with self-hosted
- PARK: everbloom amenities page
- PARK: move the freakzone to... a subdomain?
- PARK: change homepage header
pardon our mess...!
Moving hosts in late June 2024 was my excuse to revamp my site and clean up some code, so there have been some changes. I made this page for myself to keep track of the pages that are up and remember to upload/fix the ones that are not.
I'm choosing to make it public in the hopes that this is at all useful for anyone visiting, too!
untagged pages
This is just a section for me to keep track of which pages don't have titles or tags in their 11ty front matter.
- (!) ()
pages to make
- huey/maggie shrine template
- zines page
- sketchbook page
- OC roster
- fe3h shrine template
mobile-friendly worm page