heroine roster

Hello and welcome! Let me introduce you to the guys I use to smooch my blorbos.

I call them "heroines" because I see them less as myself and more as the protagonist of a story I'm developing – not to say that it's not self-indulgent, but there's quite a bit of distance that I feel like "sona" or "insert" doesn't capture. "OC" is too general, so I'm using an entirely different term.

My heroines are based on me, but I take liberties with their interests, occupations, personality, behavior, aesthetic choices, etc... I kind of treat them like TTRPG characters that I can still inhabit and "play as." Some resemble me more than others, and they never stray too far, but for the most part I like to see where I can take them to serve what I want to see in the story/relationship!

(If you're interested in reading more about my praxis (so serious...), I wrote a big ol' writeup which you can find here.)

Some of these pairings or characters will have a dedicated page in my freakzone eventually. But for now – and for the sake of the ones who won't get their own shrines – here's an overview of each of them.

Warning for weird fictional themes ahead, but you already knew that, I hope.

main roster


links: (TBA)


🌸 created: april 2020

🌸 for: animal crossing (new horizons)

🌸 about mei: a dedicated resident representative who cares about each of her co-islanders' well-being. she finds a lot of meaning in her role on the island – so much so that not much is known about her life before everbloom.

🌸 made to ship with: kidd

🌸 ship tag: i don't know yet. and their names aren't very combinable... i call 'em kiddmei for now

🌸 tropes & tags: crushes, friends to lovers, interspecies

🌸 comparable dynamic: huntlow (the owl house)

🌸 lore: they are just mutually fond neighbors, honestly.

🌸 commentary on mei: for a very long time mei (this heroine, not me) was just a vessel through which i played the game (you know, like a normal person), but as everbloom's lore expanded, she's become her own character who just happens to share my name. of my heroines on this page, mei is the most Y/N out of all of them – like the earnest, normal fem protagonist of a popular webtoon. there's nothing wrong with that, but i'm excited to develop her more!

🌸 commentary on the ship: i have five smugs on my island rn so i know all about dialogue repetition, but kidd still manages to come off as the shyest and cutest one, who feels most comfortable around mei. i want them to have a quiet, easy romance, transitioning easily from friends to lovers, like it's as natural as breathing.


links: shrine


💝 created: january 2021

💝 for: pokemon

💝 about milly: born and raised in hearthome city’s contest culture, she gave it up to start her trainer journey! eventually became the fairy type gym leader of chiffrou city in the (extremely made up) lyros region. also a well-loved travel & beauty vlogger. genki gyaru-type personality.

💝 voiceclaim: cherami leigh

💝 made to ship with: piers

💝 ship tag: no fancy tag yet, but i call them spotlightshipping / pimi (abbreviated) / nzrs (JP ship name).

💝 tropes & tags: friends to lovers, opposites attract, slow burn, mutual pining, stupid adults not talking about their feelings until the last minute

💝 comparable dynamic: hades/persephone, elle/emmett (from legally blonde the musical, not the movie!)

💝 lore: milly partners with galar’s tourism department to do videos on the different cities, and meets with piers at the opening event for the galarian star tournament. he joins her for the first spikemuth video and they hit it off, leading to them making excuses to work together more… the rest is history.

💝 commentary on milly: i took a few too many creative liberties in designing a gym leader sona and ended up making her LOL. she's SO much fun!!! i have fun leaning into being exciteable / social / peppy when i develop her story. she cares a lot, and i think that helps balance her chaotic energy—she knows how to adapt to different personalities, and has a bit more depth than i originally designed her with.

💝 commentary on the ship: fluffy one + spikey one is a dynamic i will never abandon. i wanted to make a character who you'd expect to be at complete odds with piers but surprisingly gets along with him well! also despite milly's outgoing nature, she's just as shy as piers when it comes to romance... mutual pining's a fun trope to give characters who seem like they wouldn't be scared of confessing their feelings lol.


links: (TBA)


💍 created: january 2022

💍 for: encanto

💍 about emelina: the youngest daughter and successor to a jeweler family business in the encanto. likes it just fine and takes her role seriously. hardworking and hard to get close to, but sweet and quietly playful if you make it past her polite outer shell.

💍 voiceclaim: anya taylor joy (though she's not great...)

💍 made to ship with: camilo

💍 ship tag: a curse and a crush

💍 tropes & tags: childhood friends to lovers, age gap, miscommunication

💍 comparable dynamic: claude/byleth (fe3h)

💍 lore: she and the madrigal cousins are family friends; she grows up more with them than with her own much older siblings. camilo has loved her from day one, and she’s always had a soft spot for the kid, but things get complicated as they get older and closer, and ema has to deal with what feels like a moral dilemma.

💍 commentary on ema: i know i wanted to make an onee-san type figure, but surprised myself making her so close to the family... she's much calmer and more stoic than i am, and is not as clear about what goals she has for her life, which is really fun to play with. she seems a lot more mature for her age, but she's still a bit of a mess on the inside!

💍 commentary on the ship: i have no problem shipping unrepentantly "problematic" fiction, but i think realistically, someone like ema would struggle with liking someone she's always seen as a little brother. i gave them both relationships outside of each other for the drama, but i'm a sucker for an "it always had to be you" sort of storyline. i've never had a childhood friend stay close into adulthood, so it's been a fun thought exercise to imagine how camiemi's dynamic changes over time!


shrine 🔐


🍇 created: september 2023

🍇 for: pokemon

🍇 about lina: a city girl prior to moving to paldea, she's adventurous, resourceful, and confident in an understated way. very well-adjusted as far as youths go, but sometimes she forgets that not everyone is like her.

🍇 voiceclaim: natasha liu bordizzo

🍇 made to ship with: kieran

🍇 ship tag: leave me in the dark

🍇 tropes & tags: teenagers fucking!, miscommunication, friends with benefits, friendship breakup

🍇 lore: lina and kieran get very close doing their project together in kitakami. kieran assigns way more meaning to their intimate encounters than lina intended, and feels extra betrayed when he realizes how cavalier she was about the whole thing. it's messy, it's juvenile, and lina just wants her friend back.

🍇 commentary on lina: you might notice that she looks like ema because i modeled my violet player chara after her LOL but personality-wise they are quite different! i like that despite lina's "worldliness," she's still kind of an idiot about predicting kieran's responses. to her it's out of left field, but like, of course the virgin boy caught feelings for his first kiss. what did you expect girl

🍇 commentary on the ship: i wanted them to be very different from each other! the contrast makes them think the other is very exciting (almost exotic), and the fact that they can connect feels doubly satisfying because of the contrast, but eventually that difference comes to a head. i want them to both be at fault for how things play out, even if kieran is arguably worse about it. teenagers...


links: (TBA)


💗 created: august 2023

💗 for: tmnt (mutant mayhem / tottmnt)

💗 about moira: born and raised in new york; goes to high school at eastman high with april and the turts. draws comics for the school paper and has a modest following of other teens on her artstagram, where she signs off as "em". terminally online and opinionated.

💗 voiceclaim: maya erskine

💗 made to ship with: donnie

💗 ship tag: snark and sass / i just call them dee & em

💗 tropes & tags: teen romance, endless banter, friends to lovers, interspecies

💗 lore: they get seated next to each other in class come the start of the turtles' first official school year and start talking when donnie spots her notebook covered in doodles. they're fast friends due to similar interests and start spending a lot of time together :)

💗 commentary on moira: she's just me if i grew up in nyc LOL. i think she's the closest to a "self-insert" i have – a lot of her is based on the kind of bitch i was in high school, with a bit of current me sprinkled in – but still ultimately a heroine. it's kind of hard to imagine myself a high schooler in the year of our lord 2023/2024, but i'm doing my best.

💗 commentary on the ship: it's been so much fun revisiting the embarrassing annoying unrefined cringe romance only high schoolers can have. the lack of boundaries, the unmanageable feelings... love it! i like that donnie's characterization in mume is "weeb geek and cocky about it" bc it reminds me of people i knew in high school too – it's very natural for me to draw interactions between dee and em as a result. i think they're a good pair.


links: (TBA)

(i know these portraits are so silly LMAO forgive me... i don't have anything better colored yet)


🔖 created: december 2023

🔖 for: rise of the tmnt

🔖 about mona: goes to art school in new york and part-times at a kinokuniya-type bookstore, but trying her best to break into the design industry. a child of immigrants, she puts a lot of pressure on herself to be the daughter she thinks her parents deserve.

🔖 voiceclaim: anna akana

🔖 made to ship with: leo

🔖 ship tag: idk yet! i call them lemona. 🍋

🔖 tropes & tags: friends to lovers, slow burn, interspecies, mutual pining

🔖 comparable dynamic: jake/amy (b99) when they're not antagonizing each other lol

🔖 lore: leo, wanting to learn japanese after meeting karai, goes to the bookstore mona works at to find japanese comics. over a series of visits and recommendations, they become an informal comic book club of two. after the krang, they finally become out-of-bookstore friends and get closer.

🔖 commentary on mona: i initially designed her to be a corporate girlie and now she is just (checks notes) doing her best. LMAO. i wanted her personal struggle to be strengths-related (kind of in the same way leo's leadership struggle in the movie is!) – there's a lot of "trying to force a role that doesn't fit her" that juxtaposes leo's "trying to avoid a role he could easily grow into." i think i developed her to teach myself that the "good on paper" success is not necessarily the best kind.

🔖 commentary on the ship: it was important for me to make someone who could be leo's friend first and foremost, and not an immediate romantic interest. i also wanted to explore leo's insecurities about being nothing without his family, so i gave her that – mona doesn't see leo in the context of his family for a long time, and i think the fact that she likes him so easily on his own bodies him. it's also impt to me that she's totally separate from the non-normal aspects of his life, so she's kind of a reprieve when being a mutant vigilante gets exhausting!


links: (TBA)


📘 created: may 2024

📘 for: ducktales

📘 about maggie: the youngest daughter in a family of brilliant overachievers, maggie purposely avoids taking charge or standing out for fear of earning something only for her family name. shy in person, bright and engaging when comfortable. recently moved from new quackmore to duckburg.

📘 voiceclaim: stephanie hsu

📘 made to ship with: huey

📘 ship tag: girl idk. if you combine their names you get huggie which is kind of cute spelled out, but the ambiguous pronunciation aggravates me, so i've been calling them huemags

📘 tropes & tags: online friends to irl friends to lovers, neurotic4neurotic, slow burn

📘 comparable dynamic: still thinking...

📘 lore: huey's attempts to engage with maggie are slow going until both of them learn that the other is the friend they've been playing Legends of Legendquest with for >1 year. reticent maggie opens up completely, and huey has to wrangle with the new knowledge that his long-time online friend was a cute girl this whole time.

📘 commentary on maggie: my impostor syndrome daughter...! she was originally designed to be more of a bulldozey type-A girl, which makes sense given her family. but a) that makes her a bit too similar to webby in personality and violet in excellence; and b) i was excited by the idea of her having a Formative Experience (also related to her family, but indirectly!) that scared her into shyness. she's very capable and bright, but needs a bit of help in believing in herself.

📘 commentary on the ship: they are so drama-free it's crazy, but i'm not mad bc 1) i'm still a sucker for a fluffy relationship whose only conflict is "we are scared to confess" and 2) i have SO much fun playing with their neuroses and how they complement each other. huey is solution-oriented where maggie would fearfully disengage, but maggie is composed when huey spirals out, etc etc... they're both really neurotic individuals, but balance each other out, which is perhaps my ideal relationship. i just like them matching each other's freak.


links: shrine 🔐


🌺 created: may 2024

🌺 for: ducktales, again

🌺 about ruby: moved to duckburg from hawaii when she was a kid. she works part-time at her family's grocery store when she's not at school. strikes a balance between being a good daughter to her parents and an unbothered, daring teen girl on her days off.

🌺 voiceclaim: greta lee

🌺 made to ship with: louie

🌺 ship tag: our summer days, our golden age

🌺 tropes & tags: age gap, inappropriate levels of closeness, reunion, secret relationship, infidelity, happy ending :)

🌺 comparable dynamics: romangerri, and just a little bit of wendip

🌺 lore: louie and ruby are friends but lose touch when she moves away for college. they unexpectedly run into each other ~20 years later and the weirdly close relationship they had years ago has transformed into something like chemistry. the only problem is that ruby is married.

🌺 commentary on ruby: i am having so much fun with her because she is such a freak... the kind of person who appears normal (conventionally accepted, charismatic, etc) and will never realize how much of a freak their ways of thinking and/or behaviors are. anyway, it's fun for me to write someone with such a unique way of operating, and who is so much more easygoing than i am. i'm also glad i get to make her an older teengirl and later a milf-type (no kids, but milf in spirit).

🌺 commentary on the ship: ruby was just supposed to be an incidental part of louie's childhood, but my best friend and i accidentally came up with a future arc and i haven't stopped thinking about it since. from the time they get close as youths, they have a weird (but mostly above board) dynamic that they can't recreate with anyone else, and louie in particular never forgot about her. i like the idea of him behaving in ways that surprise him when they reunite and that chemistry is there... like, he can't let her go a second time!

secondary / text-based

these guys are heroines who haven't really made it to the "i'm obsessed with this story i'm making" level. i like them too, but have been/am far more deranged about the ones in the above category. no visuals for them, because again, i am less obsessed, so they rarely get drawn...

mia, luca (2021)

🍎 created: may 2022

🍎 about mia: lives her whole life in portorosso before marrying her childhood sweetheart and moving with him to genoa, where she pursues her own studies. following the crumbling of their marriage, she returns to her hometown to start a school.

🍎 made to ship with: alberto

🍎 tropes & tags: age gap, straight shota, student/teacher, codependency, interspecies?

🍎 comparable dynamic: none as far as i know... if you've watched the film "the english teacher" then it's kind of like that

🍎 lore: alberto starts going to school now that he lives with massimo, but still struggles with his abandonment issues and is lonely without his friends/whenever massimo leaves him to go on more dangerous fishing trips. he spends more and more time at the school on his alone days, keeping his (equally lonely) teacher company.

🍎 commentary on mia: I DESIGNED HER TO BE SO SAD. she becomes a schoolteacher to cope with her infertility, hoping to find an outlet for her desire for motherhood. it was important to me that she be kind and gentle naturally, very morally upright y'know, so as to make her involvement with alberto that much more jarring.

🍎 commentary on the ship: i have actually never drawn them together, but they're such a fun little thought experiment because of how fucked up it would be. alberto relishes in having someone's undivided attention, in having a mother figure who's always there... they're sweet with each other, but there's no denying the fact that the relationship itself is twisted.

🍎 promotion: unlikely. luca was kind of a passing interest, which is unfortunate... i don't have much on her or this ship as a result, and don't think i'll make any soon. i still like the story though so raaaah she gets a place here

ina, spiderverse

✴️ created: june 2023

✴️ about ina: hero nickname "eensy weensy," marina was bitten by a radioactive spider and has been balancing fighting crime with her studies + part time daycare/preschool job. she talks to villains with her Teacher Voice sometimes.

✴️ made to ship with: like, an alternate universe divorced dad peter B. parker (non-spidey) - but i really only made her because i wanted to make a spideysona lol

✴️ tropes & tags: age gap, tooth-rotting fluff, single parent x teacher(-ish)

✴️ lore: peter drops off mayday at the daycare ina works at and ina befriends him since her shift is usually at that time. a few run-ins outside the daycare and many good conversations later, these two idiots develop feelings.

✴️ commentary on ina: she's just a nice girl! she puts the stickers her kids give her on her costume. she's much more put-together than i can ever hope to be, but i want her to still not be immune to (seemingly impossible) older man crush.

✴️ commentary on the ship: i'm... i don't know if this counts as oc/canon because the canon character is also an AU/made up version of the character, which is common in comic book media, but whatever this is a general heroine page and not an oc/canon page specifically LOL. i really like the dynamic of confident, sure of herself younger girl x babygirl mess of an older man. i honestly haven't given them too much thought since i designed ina, but i'm sure i'll do something with them someday.

✴️ promotion: check back with me when BTSV comes out

julie, mutant mayhem

🧶 created: october 2023

🧶 about julie: mathlete, knitter, good kid. she's sweet and sincere

🧶 made to ship with: raph

🧶 tropes & tags: interspecies, nerd + jock, secret friendship

🧶 lore: high schooler raph needs help with math and refuses to let his family know, so he gets a student to tutor him.

🧶 commentary on julie: she's genuinely nice, but her "friend group" is perhaps less so. it's kind of hard for me to figure out what to do with someone so normal and good, but we'll see what happens.

🧶 commentary on the ship: i just really wanted a nerd/jock plot lol. very important to me that it's a secret – i like the idea of the nerd keeping her friendship with the jock a secret instead of the other way around... i feel like raph would only be sneaky about the tutoring thing but have no qualms saying hi to her, but julie has her own weird nerd rep to protect. oh high school hierarchy!

🧶 promotion: i gotta try to draw raph first and then we'll see. check back when the second mutant mayhem film comes out.

M, rise of the tmnt

📚 created: january 2024

📚 about M: an international student at eastlaird in the same year as april. lives her life according to meticulously designed plans. actually v homesick and lonely, but busies herself with happy college experiences to convince herself/the world that she has her shit together.

📚 made to ship with: donnie

📚 tropes & tags: interspecies, friends to lovers, two nerds

📚 lore: she encounters donnie on campus at eastlaird at the library, and after a few other awkward encounters – she's never met a mutant before, and donnie is always in embarrassing situations when she runs into him – they get acquainted through april. they're fast friends once they realize the other is nothing to be nervous about!

📚 commentary on M: i don't usually like to have more than one chara per franchise to self-ship with but three separate people told me rise!donnie and i would be a good fit so (throws hands in the air) what the hell was i supposed to do with that. like my mume donnie sona, M looks similarly to me at a certain age (specifically college)... and probably acts a lot like her too!

📚 commentary on the ship: i just think they would vibe intellectually, or have really good conversations and both be the type to find that sexy in a partner lmfao. M is the humanities to donnie's science guy schtick, so they butt heads (affectionate) a lot but also help each other see things a different way. every tech bro needs his art hoe or something

📚 promotion: maybe? i've drawn them a couple times, and can see myself having a second rottmnt phase. i have yet to totally establish a character for M that i can really dive into so i'd like for that urge to come when it does. like... she doesn't even have a name

rosie, ducktales

🎟️ created: june 2024

🎟️ about rosie: a gray-crowned rosy-finch. quiet and sweet, likes to laugh. into art and theatre.

🎟️ made to ship with: dewey duck (ducktales)

🎟️ ship tag: dozy

🎟️ tropes & tags: opposites attract, The Long Game

🎟️ lore: they meet through a duckburg community theatre youth program – dewey as the lead actor, rosie working backstage. there are sparks but peer pressure has dewey dating his co-lead instead, and rosie moves at the end of the program. they keep in touch online and meet again as adults.

🎟️ commentary on rosie: my poor baby probably was disappointed that her crush on dewey didn't pan out, but was mature enough to keep being friends. as an adult she eventually outgrows her shyness, but is still happier backstage/working in production. i see her as very well-liked by the people around her!

🎟️ commentary on the ship: they were the original "these two meet again after years and things work out" before it happened to the louby plot too... youngest child always copying his older brothers... anyway, dozy is based on how dewey felt "too intimidated by romance" as a kid and how that would inform his youth dating behavior – doing it because it's the done thing, etc – before growing up and getting more comfortable with the concept, and just in time to meet rosie again.

🎟️ promotion: unlikely. i'm not very invested in rosie, and i think it would be cute if dewey liked 1) a duck (contrasting the non-duck bird i made for huey, and non-bird for louie) and 2) a boy. she was a fun thought exercise though!