site map

lost? take this to help you navigate!
last updated 250228.

📂 = more links within (not listed here)
= under construction
📦 = to be moved

home + sitely

the stuff i assume most people want to look through first, lol.

my homepage! various updates abound, with links to most areas of my site.

why i started this site and how i use it. other important info here.

this link doesn't work, because you are already here.

a history of updates on my site. you can subscribe to my atom feed to know when i make changes to my site, if you want!

neighbors, credits, resources, and sites to explore.

contact / guestbook
find ways to get in touch with me, or leave me a note if you've stopped by :)

splash page
consists of warnings for first-time/infrequent visitors. beware the deceptive pink site...!

for keeping track of anything re: my recent site move/overhaul.


personal pages / anything related to me, the girl running this place.

who is the webmaster anyway? (it's me!)

  • gpoy: pictures that are literally me.
  • now: intermittently updated page detailing what i'm up to.

my baby girl!

a little page for my family, made with love.

places i've called home over my lifetime so far.

collections 📂
stuff i own and like to see in a big ol' pile.

  • toys: i really love cute soft toys. some figurines here too.
  • treasures: art, writing, and other things i've received (or treated myself to).
  • bag: stuff that i bring with me to places!
  • clippings: stuff saved from the internet.


pretty straightforward.

a log of my media consumption, all in one place.

favorite songs, lyrics, albums, artists...

stuff i've played and enjoyed over the years.

favorite books, comics, articles.

tv, film, & audio/visual
favorite shows, movies, and other videos!

plays/musicals i've seen in whatever fashion.


art, writing, and other work i would get up to at a desk.

diary 📂
long-form thoughts and other things i like to keep. less formal than my blog.

doodles. mostly silly OCs and fanart.

zines and other compiled work.

my digital garden.


the fan section! shrines and any other pages built running on sheer dedication to the subject.

flavor profile
general preferences for media i obsess over + list of ships.

a(n incomplete) list of characters i want to smooch.

boy wall
a collection of real life men (so, celebrities) i like/find handsome.

artifacts 📂
a directory of things i've made in the spirit of being a fan. bigger on the inside.

heroines 📂
the dolls i make to smooch blorbo with (read: yumejo shenanigans).

stuff made for specific events, like bigbangs and zines.


also fannish, but with their own dedicated sections.
(pages in this section all have subpages not listed here on the map!)

acnh 📂
a shrine for my animal crossing island, everbloom.

pokemon 📂
a pokemon shrine, of course.

fire emblem: three houses
an fe3h shrine, of course!

tmnt: mutant mayhem 📂
turtles shrine! includes writeups, screengrabs, commentary, and graphics.

danny pudi 📂
i am so sorry to this grown ass human man with a family for making a page on my site about him.



i don't really collect graphics off the old web or make stuff that isn't specifically for me (lol) but here's some stuff i guess!

archive 📂
kind of a junk drawer of sorts! pages that don't really fit anymore but are still worth keeping.

items previously spotlighted on my homepage.

cupid 📦
my OC. he goes here while i don't have a place for him yet.

oc-tober zine 📦
a little sketch zine about my OCs. goes here while i don't have a zine page yet.

if you were looking for the "not found" page, this is it!