spotlighted things
stuff i put on my homepage. i just wanted to collect them.
bring bing bong back
i don't usually like improv but for whatever reason ben schwartz and friends always makes me laugh. "i love this IP."
do you want to be an actor?
this is just so inspiring... i loved seeing everyone's first on-screen credits. someone on twitter said this is particularly moving because in those first clips, many of them didn't know where they'd end up. they were just trying! pursuing something loudly and in public! when kristen sings "but everybody started somewhere" and it shows baby kieran, it tugs at my heartstrings.
idiot uncles
i love to singa
about the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a
spits dirt at you
against brute forcing
this fucking tweet
calling after me by wallows
i can't stop listening to this song...
the fatheads
this is just how my siblings and i talk
you make me feel
when you get to heaven but it's chinese
this video always makes me laugh
SALT AIR!!!!!!!!!
so called free thinkers the moment august comes around
this thing
lamput: OPERA
this came up on my twitter timeline and i thought it was so incredibly funny. why did they bring chloroform to a concert. the part where the umbrella drifts is just so so stupid i love it so much.
brettsarah kiss scene from the argument
SORRY I AM JUST THINKING ABOUT THEM AGAIN. brett is so so so dream boy... the freak4freak of this couple. i'm obsessed.
written in the body, by ava (bookbear express)
huey's legs
please love him... my boy... he's so silly..........
last place comics

i love this guy's comics so much. they're exactly my humor. some other favorites include what is he and debra's sleep paralysis demons.