
(7/14) theatre + general updates

  • answered an ask about my OCs/SIs page!
  • added my paper backgrounds as materials. might as well have something useful on there...
  • now page update.
  • finally made a theatre page. i did not realize i'd seen so many things!
    • i don't know yet how i feel about it having Zero pics, but it was easy to code as a result, and i feel like looking for the posters of each production i saw would drive me crazy, so this will do :)

i also got started with the cupid page and the OCs/SIs page, so one or both of them will show up in the next update, probably. the cupid page will necessitate an OC page (and it's also making me want to pull my hair out) so that one might take a bit longer!

thank you as always for stopping by my site!!

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