ducktales live watch archive

this is an archive of my twitter liveposting thread for ducktales from april 2024 to may 2024, with a handful of extra stuff at the end.

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May 15, 2024

earned myself another episode of ducktales let's go <3 the eyeroll?!? peak preteen boy. pleaseeeeee.

May 15, 2024

he even drums his fingers.... stressed out dadcore

May 15, 2024


i'm (remembering you're not supposed to make jokes about killing yourself) going to knit a full sweater. he's too cute. he's way too cute.

May 15, 2024

lmfao i love that he just wordlessly picks up the apple core and tosses it at the guy. no nonsense

May 15, 2024

NAUSEOUS HUEY ON THE PLANE i'm normal about it.

May 15, 2024


May 15, 2024

HE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GOD!!!!!! (me screaming as i type this)

May 15, 2024

ohhhhhhh he got so scared ohhh... <3 <3 <3

this is hardly the first time he's been in a dangerous situation, but it might be the first time he's been in a dangerous situation with an adult he trusted to keep him out of it/save him from it...

kit technically DID, but up until the last second dewey didn't know for sure

May 15, 2024

they look especially baby here... babies who have to stop their mom from punching a guy

May 15, 2024

i seriously love when they clasp their hands. cute aggression. also this looks like the framing of a wife and her incorrigible (or determined self-sacrificing hero) husband...... huey even says "i'm begging you not to do this"

May 15, 2024

awww he's so proud :)

augh!!!!!!! i'm so proud of him too!!!!!!!! dewey finding something he excels at so much that he doesn't even have to showboat... my son.......

May 18, 2024

new episode where louie faces consequences :) always enjoyable. LOOK HOW CUTE........

May 18, 2024

beak muzzle oooookay. allllllrightttt.

May 18, 2024

LMAOOO the shift in his expression when he realizes the judge he has to appeal to is a lady... noona killer 100%

May 18, 2024

this face is so sillycute

May 18, 2024

wait go back. for some reason this towel thing (+ the sound effects, you have to hear it) was so unbearably cute... i don't know why....... i have to sit with this later and think about it

May 18, 2024

i think as a youth i also had a crush on scrooge mcduck so it's no surprise i'm charmed by him in this show as well, but i'm so tripletbrained that it takes me aback whenever there are moments i'm like "oh...!!!!" about scrooge

May 18, 2024

1. this show sure loves their twins/triplets

2. what is going onnnnn here :)

May 18, 2024

oh the fact that he stepped in to save her even if she did all that. nice

May 18, 2024

OHH they're so cute!!! two boys who learned humility :)

May 18, 2024

MAN. the next three episodes are the finale... i have to finish drawing all these pages so i can watch them in one go. i'll be so stressed if i have to make myself wait like an animal

May 20, 2024

PAGES DRAWN. LET'S GO FINALE i will get some chocolate and then begin.

May 20, 2024

BOYD IS WITH GYRO T__T i'm so happy.... that's his dad!!!!!!

May 20, 2024

i like that dewey just makes a little 😞 expression and says "aw" when lena helps violet win against him... resigned to his fate

May 20, 2024

AWW THEM BRINGING BACK THE WATER CUP THING and louie being so proud...!!!!! i'm realizing funso's was episode 3, and this is the 3rd to the last episode so it feels soooo full circle T__T

May 20, 2024

"that's not water...!" "learned from the best!" HIS FACE he's so proud to have been a bad influence on her <3 bastard

May 20, 2024

scrooge paid full price T__T <3 LOVE....... also huey party planner my darling. he's sooo serious. i love the continuity with this show

May 20, 2024

della and daisy interacting!!!! oh!!!!! good... i was wondering when this would happen

May 20, 2024

HELP it turned sour so fast bc they were keeping plans secret from della. but also WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE AND DAISY ARE LEAVING... SHE JUST GOT BACK.....

but also he's not been able to live his life for so long... i understand... this is so stressful

May 20, 2024

oh it's funny for gladstone to be competent for once. like it's still self-motivated (getting away from family drama), but he's able to read the room and bring fethry away with him

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