ducktales live watch archive

this is an archive of my twitter liveposting thread for ducktales from april 2024 to may 2024, with a handful of extra stuff at the end.

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May 7, 2024


May 7, 2024

huey genuinely could be my son because i too am neurotic and dislike uncertainty. i birthed that duck

May 7, 2024

i like that the gifts they get are the ones scrooge mentioned earlier – a cellphone, a trampoline, a video game.

i didn't think it was a 1:1 for each triplet, and shoulda known huey would get the viddy game but was pleasantly surprised anyway. his excited scream was so cute...

May 7, 2024

jk. i kept watching. SAD BOYS!!!!!

May 7, 2024

cute boys!!!!!!! loving reindeer!!!!!!! huey in the second pic. i'm going to cry

May 7, 2024

started watching the next episode (EPISODE 20... i'm so close to the end... i have to savor it) and laughed the most disgusting little imp laugh when i scrubbed through and saw mark beaks was going to show up.

do i watch it for beaks. fuck. i really should not. but i love and hate him so...

May 11, 2024

ok back to season 3! i have no idea what to make of this gandra/fenton thing going on but i also don't care that much (tripletbrain)

May 11, 2024

MARK BEAKS IS A NOBODY NOW???????????? :) :) :) :)

May 11, 2024

he's so excited 😭 my love.....

May 11, 2024

love that huey only finds out that fenton's lying bc gandra calls him a bad liar because he too is a bad liar... sweet cute etc etc

May 11, 2024

ohhhhh my SON!! so silly that he was fighting to stay anxious

May 11, 2024


May 11, 2024

SHRIEKING. you've got to be kidding me he can't seriously be this cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! throwing hearts?!?!?!?! engineered in a lab for me to obsess over.

May 11, 2024

love this little arm movement he does when he gets into the swing of things (lying) before going back to being anxious

May 11, 2024


May 11, 2024

casually throws the cup at the poster, shattering it. i hate this guy so MUCH i love him.

May 11, 2024

why does he enter the room like that

May 11, 2024

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. it was the bastard.

ok but huey wringing his hands so cute...

May 11, 2024

also great continuity in having louie not know about gizmoduck. he's the only one of the three who hasn't been shown to find out and wouldn't be in a situation where finding out was important to him

May 11, 2024

SO UNIMPRESSED... six months is so much. expensive boy.

May 11, 2024

i like how danny changes his voice here a little while he's louie pretending to be huey.. it's lower! you also see very strong louieisms in how he moves here... conman charm + flirting with older women as usual 😐😐😐

May 11, 2024

lmao at m'ma sussing him out. TO BE FAIR he walks in shaking water off his hands which is extremely louie... there were paper towels in that bathroom! huey would have used them! and huey would never have forgotten to wash his hands in the first place!!!

May 11, 2024


May 11, 2024

1. him needing a nap... abubububu 😚

2. why does he nap like that. ass up, over the side of the couch..... OK..... but also, cute to think about him just being so overwhelmed he passed out in whatever position he fell into

May 11, 2024


May 11, 2024

huey mumbling "dewey, stop tap dancing, it's 3am..." during his daytime nap implies that dewey has done this. love that. cute theatre kid full of energy T___T

May 11, 2024

i screamed out loud "NOOO NOT HIS STUPID LONG LEGS" i can't deal with this show.

May 11, 2024

the same image

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